DUI and Other Related ChargesThere are separate criminal and civil penalties from a DUI arrest. There is a civil suspension of driving privileges that arises simply from a DUI arrest and generally takes effect 46 days after the arrest. This is a civil penalty that applies regardless of the outcome of the DUI charge itself. In some instances, this suspension can be lifted or a driving permit can be obtained for limited purposes such as employment, mediacl treatment, or school. A conviction for DUI results in a minimum 1 year revocation of driving privileges. A revocation is more severe than a suspension. A suspension means that one will be eligible to reinstate driving privileges after the passage of time or the occurrence of a certain event. A revocation means that one can apply after the passage of time but it it within the Secretary of State's discretion to reinstate driving privileges. We can help you get your driving privileges restored, whether you lost your license for DUI, Unpaid tickets, Accident, or other reasons. General practice law firm serving Kankakee County, as well as counties of Iroquois, Ford, Cook and Champaign |